mistletoe or fruitcake?

Which one are you more excited about this holiday season: mistletoe or fruitcake?

  • Mistletoe represents the coming together of friends and family this time of year.
  • Fruitcake represents all of those extra, empty holiday calories.

Loved ones and food: two essential ingredients for a celebration.

The good news is that YOU get to choose which you focus on this year.

The holiday season is filled with special foods. From decorated cookies to mashed potatoes, it’s one food event after another. For most of us the holiday season becomes more about food than anything else…and you wonder why you gain weight.

This year shift your focus from food to the things that really matter most to you. The season will mean more to you and you’ll look and feel your best.

Wouldn’t you love to make 2021 the year that you transform your body?

Wouldn’t it feel great to throw out all of your fat clothes? To look forward to bathing suit season? To be given a clean bill of health from your doctor? And to be showered with compliments by family, friends and that special someone?

It’s all more possible than you think.

But you’ll need to take massive action.

My programs are designed to quickly and efficiently get you into the best shape of your life.

Call or email now to schedule your first body transforming workout.

Go on, do it now and secure your spot before the New Year’s rush.

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