you call that eating clean?

The term, eat clean, has nothing to do with washing your food and has everything to do with eating in a way that promotes fat loss.

While it may sound simple enough, in reality it’s challenging to stick with a clean eating plan. I suppose if it were easy then everyone would be lean and confident about their body.

So, what’s the secret to long-term, clean eating success?

  • To make your clean eating plan last, keep your diet balanced with a range of healthy, real foods.
  • True fat loss success comes when clean eating is part of your lifestyle, and not a temporarily imposed dieting sentence.
  • Big changes take consistent, long-term effort. Be patient.
  • Have a plan by writing out your do’s and don’t’s for your clean eating plan—and please feel free to reach out to me to help you with this step.

See below for a list of foods that your diet should mainly consist of and then make another list of completely off-limits foods.

To make clean eating a way of life, click reply or call to get started on one of my fitness programs that will transform your body – once and for all.

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