Ham and Chive Egg Muffins

Breakfast is arguably the most important meal of the day. Not only does this first meal break the fast that your body has been in overnight, it is your first opportunity to influence how the rest of your eating for the day will go. If you choose to eat a sugar-fueled breakfast, then chances are…

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Have-Your-Chocolate Pudding

As you work towards your fitness goals, finding desserts that are low in natural sugars will facilitate your results. It will take some time for your taste buds to adjust from enjoying intense, refined sugars to appreciating the subtly and delight of natural, wholesome sugar found in fruit. This pudding is a spectacular way to…

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stop being fooled

Are you still looking forward to the day that you’ll be lean and fit? Do you tell yourself that you’ll start living healthy tomorrow? Or next week? After you’ve had just one more pizza dinner and one more lazy day on the couch… Then you’ll commit yourself to eating healthy and exercising daily, right? It’s time to realize that…

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Tender Slow Cooker Chicken

Tender Slow Cooker Chicken Here’s a wholesome, comforting meal to warm you up on a cold winter day. It’s filled with muscle-building protein and dotted with fiber-rich veggies to keep you on track with your fitness goals.Putting dinner in the slow cooker before you leave for work in the morning is one of the easiest…

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Flax Meal Protein Cakes

Who doesn’t love pancakes? Here’s a recipe that you can enjoy guilt free. These pancakes are packed with protein and contain omega-3 fatty acid from the flax meal. Omega-3 fatty acids are not manufactured naturally in your body, and thus must come from your diet as they are essential for growth and development. Courtesy of RealHealthyRecipes.com…

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this is why your diets don’t work

Have you noticed how people jump onboard with a popular fad diet, lose 5, 10 or even 20 pounds…only to gain it all back and then some? Why does this happen? It’s actually a simple concept, and once you understand it you will be forever saved from the tortures of yo-yo dieting. Fad diets saddle…

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Chickpea Slaw

If you love coleslaw, then this salad recipe will quickly become your new favorite. While most coleslaw recipes contain a heavy, creamy dressing this one is made with guilt-free Greek yogurt. We’ve also added in some chickpeas for the boost of protein and fiber. Make an effort to lighten up more of your favorite recipes…

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Dressed Avocado

Here’s a tasty way to prepare wholesome avocado. All you do is slice the avocado, drizzle it with lemon juice and sprinkle with sweet paprika and ground cumin. Easy! What’s surprising is how vibrant the flavors are from such a simple combination. The perfect snack or side to enjoy with your dinner. Be sure to…

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3 ways to snack smarter

What are you eating for your snacks and small meals? <== This is SUPER important! If you’re eating the wrong thing every 2-3 hours then it’s easy to gain weight quickly, rather than the result that you want ==> which is to drop fat and clothes sizes. Check out the following 3 ways to snack…

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Toasted Lemon Quinoa Cabbage Salad

Toasted Lemon Quinoa Cabbage Salad Here’s a unique new salad recipe to try, that’s far from ordinary. With cabbage, green olives, chickpeas, quinoa and a lemony dressing, this salad really satisfies! It’s fantastic as a meal all on its own, or to be served with a larger meal. There are many elements of this salad…

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