Better than perfection

Do you follow fitness stars on social media? Their perfect, chiseled images popping up in your newsfeed to give you just the right amount of motivation to get you into the gym…or does it? At Innofit, we think striving for perfection doesn’t always work. Quite frankly, perfection is unattainable, and will always leave you falling…

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ALWAYS do this Innofit eating habit

There’s so much contradicting information out there about what is or isn’t healthy that even the most well informed dieter becomes overwhelmed. Should you eat a grain free diet? What about dairy? Is it OK to include fruit? What about rice? How about these granola bars that are labeled as heart healthy? I’m going to…

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Choose Innofit…

Each day is filled with choices. We chose whether or not to exercise, to eat a healthy breakfast, or to do something productive. We chose whether or not to eat that donut, to sleep in, or to watch an extra hour of TV. At the end of each day the sum of your choices pushes…

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Feel better with Innofit

Most of the time, when encouraging you to exercise, I focus on your health and fitness goals. These are two significant benefits, but there’s another side effect of exercise that’s hugely important… Every workout has an immediate impact on your energy, mood, body chemistry, and even mental functioning. The endorphins released are specifically designed to…

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