Innofit Burpees?!

Oh, the dreaded burpee. We love to complain about this uniquely punishing movement, and try to avoid doing them as much as possible. But have you ever stopped to wonder where the burpee came from and why this torturous exercise is a favorite of fitness professionals across the globe? Burpees: A Short History Royal H.…

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Innofit Morning Weigh-Ins?

When working towards a fat loss goal the question arises of how to best utilize the scale. Do you step on everyday, meticulously tracking the ups and downs? Do you jump on it once a week, keeping your mind off the number most days? Or do you skip the scale altogether and simply navigate your…

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Looking younger by Innofit…

As much as you may want it, you simply can’t turn back the hands of time. This can be frustrating the signs of aging begin to set in. The good news is that by adding a few anti-aging tweaks and habits to your routine it’s quite possible to look younger, healthier and more vibrant than…

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Innofit hacks you may NOT have tried…

Want to drop a size or two this month? It’s more possible than you think! Incorporate the following weight loss secrets into your daily routine to naturally boost your metabolism, automatically lower your daily consumption of calories and keep your motivation going strong so that you drop excess fat quicker than ever before. Secret #1:…

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4 Innofit guilt-free pasta recipes

It’s hard to find a dinner more satisfying than a steaming plate of flavorful pasta, but by now you’re well aware of just how fattening that is. Let’s not give up on our favorite pasta dishes…let’s make these dishes lighter, healthier and just as delicious by using noodles made from vegetables, rather than traditional, carb-laden…

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